Episode Overview:  Play is not just an action but a state of being. When you have a playful manager you see that their team is happier and they seem more ...
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Episode Overview: How would you keep your team engaged if you had to do it completely online? Before the pandemic, we worked together in the office and had some type ...
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Episode Overview:  Play deprivation can and does happen to many of us. You will feel unmotivated, burnt out, or even just tired when you have been deprived of play. Play ...
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Part 1 http://www.breakthroughplay.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/GaryFinal1.mp3 Part 2 http://www.breakthroughplay.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/GaryFinal2.mp3   Episode Overview: Ever thought of play as being able to help you find your bigger mission in life. When you surrender to playing ...
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