EP 107 Fun February: Embracing the Power of Play in the Workplace with Gary Ware

February 20, 2024 EPISODE 107

In this episode, Gary Ware discusses the importance of play in various aspects of life, including work, learning, and relationships. He emphasizes the need to see the world as a playground of possibilities rather than a proving ground. Gary also highlights the impact of play on memory and learning, explaining that play can significantly reduce the number of repetitions needed to create a synapse in the brain. He shares how he incorporates playful methods in training and bonding activities, and encourages adults to prioritize rest and give themselves permission to play. Gary concludes by discussing the concept of the playful rebellion and the power of small moments of play. In this conversation, Sami Kinnison and Gary Ware discuss the importance of play in parenting and how it can enhance the parent-child relationship. They explore the challenges of finding balance in parenting and offer practical tips for incorporating play into daily life. They also discuss the benefits of adding playfulness to work and share examples of how to gamify tedious tasks. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of play in bringing joy, connection, and creativity to both parenting and work.



  • See the world as a playground of possibilities rather than a proving ground.
  • Play significantly reduces the number of repetitions needed to create a synapse in the brain.
  • Incorporate playful methods in training and bonding activities to improve effectiveness and build relationships.
  • Prioritize rest and give yourself permission to play.
  • Embrace the concept of the playful rebellion and find joy in small moments of play. Play is essential in parenting as it strengthens the parent-child relationship and creates joyful moments.
  • Adding playfulness to work can increase engagement, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.