I didn’t fail, I just found 2,000 ideas that didn’t work. – Thomas Edison

Today, we take on creativity. How to be more creative is the topic that I get a lot of questions about. Although it’s true that there are people who are naturally creative, that their minds are essentially built to spill ideas; that doesn’t mean that it is impossible to get to their level. If you have a desire to be more creative but are struggling to get the juices flowing tune in to today’s show to get some simple exercises that you can practice to become the ultimate Idea Machine.

From this episode, you will learn:

  • How to find your passion when you feel stuck.
  • How to find your breakthrough moment when you feel like you’re living someone else’s life.
  • Learn the techniques on how to become an IDEA Machine and be good at it!
  • How to get in the right mindset when generating ideas.


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